Wednesday, 20 February 2008

I've decided to do a "paid to click" site, where you get a small amount of money for having a page open for 30 seconds.

I normally hate these types of sites, such as Archerfish, as you have to put a lots of time in just to earn around $0.005 dollars for each click! But I saw on the Cashinco referrals section; for some reason that suggested that this is more worthwhile than the usual Paid to click site, so I thought I'd give it a go!

With, you get 1cent per page viewed, which I think is more generous. Not very, but more generous!

Here is their Earnings Example
» You click 10 ads per day = $0.10
» 20 referrals click 10 ads per day = $2.00
» Your daily earnings = $2.10
» Your weekly earnings = $14.70
» Your monthly earnings = $63.00

The payout is $10.

The trick is to get some referrals!

I'll give this a go - I will have to get some referrals to make my 30p per day - and will add it to my list!

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