You could sell information which can be useful, or not so useful, and therefore selling it could be slightly unethical.
You could put an advert in the paper selling a booklet on how to earn £100 per month. Set up a PO Box account, and people send money - £20 for example - to your PO Box account in return for a list of money making ideas and affiliate links similar to the ideas on this blog. Or you could have an online website and ask people for the information via Paypal. Or you could put an ad on Ebay, selling information for a small fee. Ebay did crack down on these "information products" by banning products delivered via email. But there is nothing to stop you sending them via other means.
I recently read about fake clairvoyanyts/astrologers/psychics who send letters to people suggesting horrible things are going to happen and asking for money. Surprisingly these "clairvoyant" scams are run by "commercial companies rather than business-minded individuals" according to the Office of Fair Trading. These companies buy mailing lists of vulnerable people. The Office of Fair Trading states that more than 170,000 people fell victim to clairvoyant scams, losing an average of £240 each. If you are horrible enough to contemplate such a scam, then remeber that the clairvoyant companies are based outside the EU where they cannot be prosecuted by the UK authorities.
I'll stick to more ethical ways of making money.
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